hey I copied the url & posted on greatawakening.win. I suck at social media or any of this thread post stuff but this vid needs to be shared. I dont want credit for ur find or post. I just don't know how else to do it. I'd share in other places but I'm shadow banned like a mf so really whats the point. I hope pedes see this & anons do something with it. Good stuff well not good but u get it.
hey I copied the url & posted on greatawakening.win. I suck at social media or any of this thread post stuff but this vid needs to be shared. I dont want credit for ur find or post. I just don't know how else to do it. I'd share in other places but I'm shadow banned like a mf so really whats the point. I hope pedes see this & anons do something with it. Good stuff well not good but u get it.
Damn you're right
Why tho why?