I like the pedo logo border. It doesn't get much more in your face than that. Look at the silhouettes between the triangles, looks like kids with their legs up.
Clearly you did not read my entire comment or had difficulty in comprehension. The word like being used sarcastically, as if drawing my attention to it in a disapproving but hardly shocked manner.
Lol at everyone pointing out pedo stuff and I'm all what the hell is 'naturally flavored with other natural flavor'
Uhh haha
WOW took a sec to see the border logo jump out at me, DAMN!
Aldi, prod of Canada
I like the pedo logo border. It doesn't get much more in your face than that. Look at the silhouettes between the triangles, looks like kids with their legs up.
Clearly you did not read my entire comment or had difficulty in comprehension. The word like being used sarcastically, as if drawing my attention to it in a disapproving but hardly shocked manner.
The Donald and the Q discussion used to be one in the same before Reddit banned talk about Q so don’t speak for all of us.