86 Do not expect to hear from Q for awhile, if ever. BE PREPARED, you have no excuse. Big week inbound. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by justin_tolerable 4 years ago by justin_tolerable +86 / -0 31 comments download share 31 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Biden didn’t leave his senate seat until January 15th.
For those trying to prove me wrong, I actually try to do that myself a lot because I don’t want to be a hack so here’s your ammo:
Obama resigned November 15th. Biden resigned January 15th, but only because by being sworn in, he became the youngest senator to be sworn in 7 times.
To me, it seems like Harris wouldn’t have a reason to stay in.
Also Al Gore resigned January 2nd. I have no idea why he stayed that long.
It’s all up in the air. I wouldn’t put too much weight behind it.
Gore was fighting the hanging Chad war
Hanging Chads were 2000. Gore resigned as a Senator after the 1992 election