Our President and others from his Team, want us to contact (email is good) our Senators and Congressman to show our support. Doesn't have to be fancy or long, just tell them something like; " I Want the accusations of Election Fraud of the 2020 Presidential Election Fully Investigated Right Now"
It is important and doesn't take much time pedes, God Bless
They won't answer mine never do anymore, once they realized I was with DJT. BUT THEY DO COUNT THE NUMBERS, and I live in Soy World many Dems in my area are coming around, and questioning the vote and the Pelosi Pork Bill. Takes about as much time as posting here to make a contact number.
I Forgot to say IT DOESN'T MATTER WHICH STATE YOU LIVE IN, they want all of us to do it. If you live in a sjw soy hole like me, it is the best Christmas present I can send to my commie reps.... kek
God Bless DJT and USA