Another mirror reference. The lake reflects the home in the picture.
Alice thru the looking glass /
Mirror, mirror on the wall... who's the fairest of them all. /
Perseus shield used as mirror that turns Medusa to stone /
Broken Mirror = 7 years bad luck /
Vulcan Mirror, roman God of fire /
Smoking Mirror -aztec /
Merlin's mirror /
Mirror of Cambusan /
Galadriel's Mirror - lotr /
Vampires cannot see their reflections in mirrors, ghosts also /
Archimedes' Burning Mirrors used on roman fleet /
Sitting shiva with mirrors covered
Maybe this will help
Thank you.
I don't know where that is or to whom the property belongs. I don't think he'd post it if it wasn't significant.
That is Bernie's lake house he got from Hillary for playing nice in '16...wink wink
Thank you for the input.
May I assure you, the pleasure was all mine!
Another mirror reference. The lake reflects the home in the picture.
Mirrors: Alice thru the looking glass / Mirror, mirror on the wall... who's the fairest of them all. / Perseus shield used as mirror that turns Medusa to stone / Broken Mirror = 7 years bad luck / Vulcan Mirror, roman God of fire / Smoking Mirror -aztec / Merlin's mirror / Mirror of Cambusan / Galadriel's Mirror - lotr / Vampires cannot see their reflections in mirrors, ghosts also / Archimedes' Burning Mirrors used on roman fleet / Sitting shiva with mirrors covered
Thank you for the input. Much appreciated.
would love to see it , link please...
i have never done twitter, or flakebook, or my space or any social network.
What kind of moron makes a post about a Lin Wood tweet and does not provide a link to the tweet? Ho Li Fuk.
I knew you would come here. I left out the link to piss you off.