Hi! I made a "hi" post and you get my first comment. :)
I make Rick Simpson Oil, using his protocol from https://phoenixtears.ca ; been making it a year or so, now.
Helps my concussions symptoms. Also digestion, nice side effect. A friend has anxiety with the masking (she works retail) and I've been sharing it with her, it helps her sleep -- and she hadn't mentioned, but she has digestive issues as well, which return when she runs out and doesn't tell me.
It's so sad that we were lied to for so long. Cannabis is medicine. Trying to get my parents out of [their] system, but life-long perspectives are difficult to change. The "med beds" sound like they're sorely needed.
I think we might be infected with nanomachinery, similar to that Marvel movie where they were in the future and sent Wolverine back in time, and Magneto in the train scene embedded wires made from the train tracks, so he could control the giant robots.
That extra wiring in us (that helps with all the advertisements) has to be carefully removed. Also this scalp itch is annoying. :)
Anyway yeah I just had some a few hours ago, typing is more fun. :)
God bless.
PS Just learned, with this first comment, that the "Cancel" button does not DATALOSS! Very nicely coded; I hit it by accident and was SAD FACE, then clicked "reply" again and all the above was there. Also it didn't require an email to sign up -- I like this place already!
Hi! I made a "hi" post and you get my first comment. :)
I make Rick Simpson Oil, using his protocol from https://phoenixtears.ca ; been making it a year or so, now.
Helps my concussions symptoms. Also digestion, nice side effect. A friend has anxiety with the masking (she works retail) and I've been sharing it with her, it helps her sleep -- and she hadn't mentioned, but she has digestive issues as well, which return when she runs out and doesn't tell me.
It's so sad that we were lied to for so long. Cannabis is medicine. Trying to get my parents out of [their] system, but life-long perspectives are difficult to change. The "med beds" sound like they're sorely needed.
I think we might be infected with nanomachinery, similar to that Marvel movie where they were in the future and sent Wolverine back in time, and Magneto in the train scene embedded wires made from the train tracks, so he could control the giant robots.
That extra wiring in us (that helps with all the advertisements) has to be carefully removed. Also this scalp itch is annoying. :)
Anyway yeah I just had some a few hours ago, typing is more fun. :)
God bless.
PS Just learned, with this first comment, that the "Cancel" button does not DATALOSS! Very nicely coded; I hit it by accident and was SAD FACE, then clicked "reply" again and all the above was there. Also it didn't require an email to sign up -- I like this place already!
real medicine
Every day! Keeps me from killing fools.