The pictures of the infants, especially with the pacifier masks, are the most disturbing. I just think Huxley's Brave New World. I taught about Anne Frank for many years, and in our discussions, I would always remind students that we have a Constitution and Bill of Rights to prevent such abuses from happening in America.. The events of 2020 have shown me how tyranny can so quickly take hold of any society in the name of "safety" and the majority of people just go along with the propaganda. I fear for our children's future if we continue to just go along.
The pictures of the infants, especially with the pacifier masks, are the most disturbing. I just think Huxley's Brave New World. I taught about Anne Frank for many years, and in our discussions, I would always remind students that we have a Constitution and Bill of Rights to prevent such abuses from happening in America.. The events of 2020 have shown me how tyranny can so quickly take hold of any society in the name of "safety" and the majority of people just go along with the propaganda. I fear for our children's future if we continue to just go along.