@PatrickByrne suggest Seth Rich was murdered primarily because he had knowledge of how Dominion software was used to rig nomination to Hillary over Bernie
ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️

Interesting mistype by Patrick: "I am was going rogue." Take out the word "was" and you've just got, "I am going rogue."
One would expect:
to have instead been:
I think the "I am" is due to some shitty helpful auto-correction software that changed the intended "and" to "I am"
I get incredibly dumb-ass *helpful corrections" like that all the time from portable devices that have soft keyboard input; the auto-correction software is the shittiest computer software ever foisted on computing device users
He is almost certainly using voice-to-text software. That's why it also spells out the word period