This is exactly the kind of network that would have had to exist for much of the last four years to happen the way it did.
It's always bugged me with the number of people 0bama fired, where did they go? They didn't just go home, sit down and shut up, did they?
Well, if there is any truth to this story it seems they did not.
And if this group had been monitoring two years worth of corruption, they would have needed to get someone in office they could trust to do something about it.
And maybe one of them had an idea to recruit civilians without risking Opsec.
I mean, I'm pretty far outside the bubble of Q stuff, only really watching this .win since it was first announced on thedonald, but this would fill a lot of gaps for me.
If it all went down like you describe, I do wonder how they decided on Trump. I wonder what that whole process looked like. I'm picturing 4-5 high level military intelligence guys in a room wtih a white board. They're thinking, Ronald Reagan was the last time a real candidate broke through. We should look to people who are already famous, people who already have a following. Next, it has to be someone with no dirt on them (and since they have access to the NSA, they know who does). Next, it has to be someone with balls of steel, this isn't going to be easy. Next, it needs to be someone who can definitely win an election.
i wonder who else they considered recruiting besides Trump. Were any other names up for consideration after vetting all of these factors?
The only thing I know is that there was a theory floating around that Trump helped Rudy and the Feds to take down the mob in NY. It was supported by a document from the feds that an unnamed real estate mogul aided them as an informant.
If this group includes some of those Feds, and/or Rudy himself, then the connection seems plausible to me. More so now than it did back in 2016.
This is exactly the kind of network that would have had to exist for much of the last four years to happen the way it did.
It's always bugged me with the number of people 0bama fired, where did they go? They didn't just go home, sit down and shut up, did they?
Well, if there is any truth to this story it seems they did not.
And if this group had been monitoring two years worth of corruption, they would have needed to get someone in office they could trust to do something about it.
And maybe one of them had an idea to recruit civilians without risking Opsec.
I mean, I'm pretty far outside the bubble of Q stuff, only really watching this .win since it was first announced on thedonald, but this would fill a lot of gaps for me.
If it all went down like you describe, I do wonder how they decided on Trump. I wonder what that whole process looked like. I'm picturing 4-5 high level military intelligence guys in a room wtih a white board. They're thinking, Ronald Reagan was the last time a real candidate broke through. We should look to people who are already famous, people who already have a following. Next, it has to be someone with no dirt on them (and since they have access to the NSA, they know who does). Next, it has to be someone with balls of steel, this isn't going to be easy. Next, it needs to be someone who can definitely win an election.
i wonder who else they considered recruiting besides Trump. Were any other names up for consideration after vetting all of these factors?
The only thing I know is that there was a theory floating around that Trump helped Rudy and the Feds to take down the mob in NY. It was supported by a document from the feds that an unnamed real estate mogul aided them as an informant.
If this group includes some of those Feds, and/or Rudy himself, then the connection seems plausible to me. More so now than it did back in 2016.