posted ago by HiGoys ago by HiGoys +175 / -0

Let me preface this by saying I fly for work.. a lot. Before Wuhan flu I made diamond status with Delta. I often get upgraded to first class automatically when I fly.

Recently, because of specific state restrictions, I've been working from the office with customers over video instead of taking a hands on approach but sometimes you have to go.

Today, I flew back from DFW to ATL. I saw roughly 500 soldiers in fatigues, spread out through check in at DFW. Didn't think anything of it.. I've seen military flying commercial before, usually natl guard. I haven't seen quite that many before but still, didnt think anything of it.. until I landed in ATL.

Every other body in that airport was sporting fatigues. I've never seen anything like it. Something big is going on. I'd estimate 2,000 soldiers in that airport at the time.. but there's no way for me to know for sure.

I've been flying almost every week for the past 6 years, never seen anything like this.