It's certainly very interesting, she drops quite a few names and makes some very interesting claims. BUT. You mean to tell me that some up until now unheard of non profit who's looking for funding managed to uncover more than what the US military was able to surveil? Trump never had proof before? Why is she talking about the Trump Family? Not the Administration? She's going through an ex-wife and daughter to get POTUS access? Do tell. She's allegedly talking to Sec Def who weeks ago thanks VPOTUS for his mentoring Miller during the most complex military op in US history? I'm not saying she's larping but I'll wait and see what this individual's involvement actually plays out. Her hesitation doing an interview with Debbie is a bit suspect. "The American people can't handle it?" WTF, yet another non government entity talking about how there needs to be a delay.
This woman is making the claim that this JUST happened, Christmas Eve. She somehow got into Mar A Lago and got face time with POTUS handing him some piece of paper. She's saying there was NO evidence, no real evidence beforehand? That's a load of crap.
I do wonder if this is more for the normies. It makes it seem like admin didn’t know, and WeThePeople solved it. Not sure though. It’s sketchy for sure.
It's certainly very interesting, she drops quite a few names and makes some very interesting claims. BUT. You mean to tell me that some up until now unheard of non profit who's looking for funding managed to uncover more than what the US military was able to surveil? Trump never had proof before? Why is she talking about the Trump Family? Not the Administration? She's going through an ex-wife and daughter to get POTUS access? Do tell. She's allegedly talking to Sec Def who weeks ago thanks VPOTUS for his mentoring Miller during the most complex military op in US history? I'm not saying she's larping but I'll wait and see what this individual's involvement actually plays out. Her hesitation doing an interview with Debbie is a bit suspect. "The American people can't handle it?" WTF, yet another non government entity talking about how there needs to be a delay.
I'm sure we already knew. Movie. Just rolling it out for the normies. All of these things emerging are just soft disclosure.
This woman is making the claim that this JUST happened, Christmas Eve. She somehow got into Mar A Lago and got face time with POTUS handing him some piece of paper. She's saying there was NO evidence, no real evidence beforehand? That's a load of crap.
I do wonder if this is more for the normies. It makes it seem like admin didn’t know, and WeThePeople solved it. Not sure though. It’s sketchy for sure.
Edit: remember, we are watching a movie...
Bingo. She asks for $$$ and prayers which is kind of like everyone else.
I wonder if she's working on behalf of the Reverend Doctor Billy Sol Hargus and the First Church of the Gooey Death and Good Deceiver