Do these guys look like real Trumpers to you? Not to me.
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look like antifa rat bastards to me
Definitely not Trump supporters!
One of the photos says ''
Nice digs anon
AndWeKnow posted it on twitter - and I see Lin Wood is posting more too.
ESPECIALLY the letter from Italy!
Biden will not set a foot in the White House he is going to gitmo
The Q shirt was placed there on purpose to discredit this movement.
Fellow patriots this is just the beginning, and be aware that much more sacrifice will be endured for our freedoms
Not IMO. It was a great opportunity to put us in a bad light and make all of us look like crazy idiots. That’s worth a day of delay for them in my book. Plus they are useful idiots- they didn’t have inside information that the delay was going to happen.
As for this idiot commenter, I’m still on idiot book. You should see the virtue signaling faux aghast posts out there about what crazies Trump supporters are. It was a good move for them from their perspective.
They are definitely soy boys.
Fresh unwashed Q Trust the plan shirt like he bought it yesterday. Stupid grin like he was glad for the photo opp. Is that a Pepe hat on the other guy?
Looks too manufactured to look like a “Q crazy” if you ask me.
DW has since taken down this article last I checked.
I have none. Where did I say I had proof?