They put themselves in harms way. There were infiltrators. From all the video evidence it looks like some capital police were in on the antifa storming the building. If you get violent, expect violence in return.
No one was really in harms way. My brothers and I were here and witnessed ALL of it. No violence anywhere. Zero.
Op above is correct on how CapPol let the (P)ANTIFA maggots in prior to POTUS finishing his speech. They were staged all over the rotunda entrance and even right at the main door before the crowds that marched to the Capitol Bldg.
Once the early arrivals in the massive march down three different roads, Constitution, where we were etc., some joined on the steps and around the front of the bldg. Most were packed across the grounds. The CapPol then used some flashbacks, then tear gas many of the groups. Not all.
All of the sudden you could see the staged (P)ANTIFA maggots begin the breech. Some got inside. Then some of the early arrivals went in as well.
Won't go deeper, but to say anyone was put in harms way is incorrect. No one was. FACTS.
Much to learn incoming, but know this, NOTHING you see on the filthy Mockingbird is real.
I am not too happy that people were put in harms way.
They put themselves in harms way. There were infiltrators. From all the video evidence it looks like some capital police were in on the antifa storming the building. If you get violent, expect violence in return.
No one was really in harms way. My brothers and I were here and witnessed ALL of it. No violence anywhere. Zero.
Op above is correct on how CapPol let the (P)ANTIFA maggots in prior to POTUS finishing his speech. They were staged all over the rotunda entrance and even right at the main door before the crowds that marched to the Capitol Bldg.
Once the early arrivals in the massive march down three different roads, Constitution, where we were etc., some joined on the steps and around the front of the bldg. Most were packed across the grounds. The CapPol then used some flashbacks, then tear gas many of the groups. Not all.
All of the sudden you could see the staged (P)ANTIFA maggots begin the breech. Some got inside. Then some of the early arrivals went in as well.
Won't go deeper, but to say anyone was put in harms way is incorrect. No one was. FACTS.
Much to learn incoming, but know this, NOTHING you see on the filthy Mockingbird is real.
POTUS will be inaugurated on January 20. 2021.