Missing $ 21 Trillion attributed to DOD "adjustments."
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Marxists have boasted for years that they would use the blacks to turn this country socialist.
Oh, I didn't read carefully. I thought the reference was to the possible theft of money through the HUD. Lord knows, there has been enough of that, over the years, as well as by way of your reference.
Check out Catherine Austin Fitts; Solari Report...the info came from a report by Solari....Catherine Austin Fitts is a former HUD official. solari.com
Good lead. Cathreine Austin Fitts has as good an understanding of the big picture as anyone, does she not? Especially as a HUD insider and banker.
$15K per acre, it only costs $30 Trillion to buy ALL LAND IN THE US
You know, accrual to cash adjustments ? just a little accountant humor for you
That's one heck of an adjustment.
HUD and DOD. Wayne Jett is a live one for investigative reporting.