I've been holding off on making this post until seeing how things played out in the post-election period. Now that it's clear that Trump has been defeated by the cabal, it is time for this.
In 2016 before there was Q, there was an anon known as High Level Insider. High Level Insider claimed to be from a secret society called 'Three' and stated their plan was to run their own candidate in 2024 when the US would be ready for a return to good governance. After the 2016 election though they made an offer to help Trump if he so wished. Now with hindsight it is clear he ultimately refused their help.
In the end, Q is/was a psyop conducted by 'Three' to create a mass awakening regardless if Trump was onboard or not. The relevant Q post, which I cannot cite directly at this moment, said something to the effect that Q was comprised of military except for Three, which was civilian. People misunderstood this as three individuals when in actuality it was 'Three' the secret society.
One of the points HLI made time and again is that they would not risk destabilizing society to achieve their goals, hence the calls from Q to sit back and 'trust the plan'. Even though the plan failed, we are awake now and the genie is out of the bottle. Trump failed but he was not Three's guy in the first place.
The next four years are going to be tough but the optimist in me hopes that Three will create a new political movement from the ashes of MAGA to get their guy in 2024. I also hope that this forum stays active and pivots to being focused on the next steps in the battle for humanity. Stay strong and God bless.
Lol bye. This is trash.
Garbage, indeed