I've thought about the RED1-6 meanings, isn't is possible some of these aren't meant for civilians?
RED2: Central communications blackout [continental US]
Does "Central communications" refer to civilian communications? Or military? If it's military then we would never know when RED2 happened. Would make sense too that the DS would target Military comms alongside removal of POTUS tweets (RED1). Remove POTUS interaction with his supporters and remove POTUS interaction with his military.
RED1 and RED4 are pretty straightforward and we think those have happened already. Not sure we would hear about RED2 this soon, since Q specifically called it out as classified.
RED5/6 are the ones that seem to be the most public of them all and would seem the most drastic to the average citizen. Not entirely sure what 5/6 are meant to be though.
I've thought about the RED1-6 meanings, isn't is possible some of these aren't meant for civilians?
RED2: Central communications blackout [continental US]
Does "Central communications" refer to civilian communications? Or military? If it's military then we would never know when RED2 happened. Would make sense too that the DS would target Military comms alongside removal of POTUS tweets (RED1). Remove POTUS interaction with his supporters and remove POTUS interaction with his military.
RED1 and RED4 are pretty straightforward and we think those have happened already. Not sure we would hear about RED2 this soon, since Q specifically called it out as classified.
RED5/6 are the ones that seem to be the most public of them all and would seem the most drastic to the average citizen. Not entirely sure what 5/6 are meant to be though.
RED5: NAT MIL COM CEN could be one of the E-4B aircraft in action.