I know the doomers and shills seem to have the upper hand over there right now, but please don't give up on that bastion of freedom lovers just yet!
Ask yourself how likely it really is that so many would turn their backs on President Trump en masse, no matter what setbacks may have occured.
Now ask yourself how likely it really is that there is a concerted and coordinated effort to undermine a site that has been at the forefront of the MAGA movement.
We've seen the deep state do this over and over again. It's not a new tactic. Don't fall for it!
Instead, go there and state your case for why this isn't over. Support Trump whenever possible in the posts. Call out the doomers and shills when they twist facts or misrepresent actions. Ignore the trolls who will try to drag you into contentious discussions, but don't cower from them.
Those who have been in this fight for awhile knew things would get tense in these final days. Those that are new to the fight need our reassurance. And those that wish to undermine us will ALWAYS use our doubts against us.
So please don't give up on TheDonald.win!
Came for the peace and quiet(er), stayed for the enlightening.