At some point you have to start with a know fact. Saying "The Conservagive Treehouse" is reputable is not sufficient, and who ia Bongino? or etc? Is "The Conservagive Treehouse" a website? Did you spell it correctly?
Interesting how when I question things you appear to be angry now, since you cursed. I'll take action and work on typing slower and proofreading better as you are correct about my typo. I would encourage everyone to point out typos and grammatical mistakes as the language we use is important to understand each other's intent clearly.
Are these just posts from anonymous users on Twitter?
TheLastRefuge is the news site "The Conservagive Treehouse" which is reputable and referenced often by the likes of Bongino, etc...
At some point you have to start with a know fact. Saying "The Conservagive Treehouse" is reputable is not sufficient, and who ia Bongino? or etc? Is "The Conservagive Treehouse" a website? Did you spell it correctly?
Or, you know... you could simply do your own research.
You're welcome by the way.
Edit: ... and I'll go ahead and assume you meant to say "start with a known fact."
Maybe you should proofread your own shit before critiquing someone else's typos.
Interesting how when I question things you appear to be angry now, since you cursed. I'll take action and work on typing slower and proofreading better as you are correct about my typo. I would encourage everyone to point out typos and grammatical mistakes as the language we use is important to understand each other's intent clearly.