posted ago by Cyphr ago by Cyphr +36 / -0

For quite a while I was baffled by the Jan. 6th protest. Why do that, when it was an engraved invitation for communist false flag attacks? I believe it's because those attacks were necessary for two reasons:

  1. It gave the President a reason to turn the capital building into a giant trap. Have you seen the fencing? 6000 troops to man that perimeter. The underground tunnels manned as well. The capital building(s) are now a giant trap, waiting for the congress critters to enter.

  2. If you saw the "punisher" people inside the capital building, you also see that it gave the white hats a chance to collect some evidence after all the congress critters were "evacuated".

There are Q drops that also apply, one of which was to the effect ... how do you get a dangerous animal to walk into a trap? That explains the Predident's non-concession "concession" speech as well. It is all coming together.