For quite a while I was baffled by the Jan. 6th protest. Why do that, when it was an engraved invitation for communist false flag attacks? I believe it's because those attacks were necessary for two reasons:
It gave the President a reason to turn the capital building into a giant trap. Have you seen the fencing? 6000 troops to man that perimeter. The underground tunnels manned as well. The capital building(s) are now a giant trap, waiting for the congress critters to enter.
If you saw the "punisher" people inside the capital building, you also see that it gave the white hats a chance to collect some evidence after all the congress critters were "evacuated".
There are Q drops that also apply, one of which was to the effect ... how do you get a dangerous animal to walk into a trap? That explains the Predident's non-concession "concession" speech as well. It is all coming together.
Read Q post 521. I believe that “scare event necessary” was the capitol “attack”. He needed a reason to call in the troops, like you said, without alarming the deep state as to the true intentions. They think the military is there to protect them when in truth it’s there to arrest them. It’s brilliant!
Exactly... incredibly brilliant. PLUS, the evidence they collected while all the congress critters were evacuated is apparently a very big deal. Very incriminating for MANY members of congress.