Not to be contrary, but this forum is dedicated to Q and thr Q research - not to debate it's existence. You don't have to be a believer, but you do have to have an open mind.
Let me try it from a different angle. I don't go to a forum dedicated to the love of cats to debate with those there if they really love their cats to shore up or change my beliefs or to challenge the beliefs of others. I would go there to learn about cats.
I am a skeptic on Q, I've been open about that. However, I come here to learn. If I opt to debate to test my resolve in my beliefs, I'll take it elsewhere.
Not to be contrary, but this forum is dedicated to Q and thr Q research - not to debate it's existence. You don't have to be a believer, but you do have to have an open mind.
Let me try it from a different angle. I don't go to a forum dedicated to the love of cats to debate with those there if they really love their cats to shore up or change my beliefs or to challenge the beliefs of others. I would go there to learn about cats.
I am a skeptic on Q, I've been open about that. However, I come here to learn. If I opt to debate to test my resolve in my beliefs, I'll take it elsewhere.
It’s martial law right now, we’re in a war.