Glad to have some new boots on the ground working on some decodes. I'm not by any means on the level that some of these guys are, and can't tell you if you're on the right track or not; however we need all the eyes on this that we can muster. Clowns is a reference to CIA. Clowns In America and C_A are also CIA references. Q frequently leaves the [I]ntellegence out of the acronym
Glad to have some new boots on the ground working on some decodes. I'm not by any means on the level that some of these guys are, and can't tell you if you're on the right track or not; however we need all the eyes on this that we can muster. Clowns is a reference to CIA. Clowns In America and C_A are also CIA references. Q frequently leaves the [I]ntellegence out of the acronym
Please help me gain some understanding.