Hi, to everybody, I am a Voat 5-year refugee and started my involvement when WikiLeaks was released and prior to the 2016 election. It's good to see some of my familiar comrades on here. Of course I miss Voat but am perfectly content and happy here! I primarily contributed to Pizzagate, thus my obsession with links.
I believe it's safe to say that most of us are aware of the voter fraud Dominion/Italy/Obama connection. Now, there is talk about Vatican involvement.
The following 2 links explain that a satellite, named "Leonardo" and owned by the Vatican was utilized in this voter fraud debacle. I am not so sure about a satellite called Leonardo, but I have discovered that Italy has a significant and powerful stronghold in the aerospace world. https://youtu.be/aKl0RFhOewI
The Leonardo Company, a/k/a Leonardo S.p.A., is one of the major players in aerospace, defense, and security. It is a global solutions provider and a "trusted long-term partner of choice for governments." https://www.leonardocompany.com/en/home
Leonardo S.p.A. was formerly Leonardo-Finmeccania and originally, Finmeccania. Headquartered in Rome, the company has 70 facilities in Italy and a total of 180 sites worldwide. The company is partially owned by the Italian government through the Ministry of Economy and Finance, its largest shareholder. Since its establishment in 1948, there have been numerous subsidiaries and joint ventures. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonardo_S.p.A
Now, how does the Vatican fit in with aerospace?
There is a website titled, "Aerospace Aluminum Bars in Vatican City (Holy See).". It appears this company is based in Mumbai and exports these bars to Vatican City. https://www.rfpindia.com/country/vatican-city-state-holy-see/aluminium/aerospace-aluminium-bars
Then there is the Vatican Observatory, an astronomic research and educational institution supported by the Holy See. This Observatory operates The Vatican Telescope at the Mount Graham International Observatory in AZ. The Director of the Observatory is Brother Guy Consolmagno, an American Jesuit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vatican_Observatory
The Vatican Observatory operates the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT), the world's largest optical telescope. https://www.vovatt.org/
An instrument named "Lucifer" which stands for Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Light Field Unit for Extragalactic Research is attached to the VATT which has greatly increased the abilities of the world's largest optical telescope. https://www.popsci.com/science/article/2010-04/devil-named-telescope-helps-astronomers-see-through-darkness/
I may be out in left field, but a space telescope can transmit data wirelessly to a satellite, and the satellite can transmit the data wirelessly to a ground-based tracking station, then this is how the Dominion data could have manipulated? And the Vatican could possibly be involved?
IF this was so, and the Vatican is added to this mix, how will the US, the world, for that matter be able to deal with all of it? I believe it's all or nothing. All, we can rebuild. Nothing, we will self destruct.
Flashbacks to a few years ago when that observatory was shut down and it was supposedly because someone was distributing CP from the computers there?
Wasn't that in AZ?
EDIT: No it was New Mexico, Sun Spot observatory shut down by the FBI.
Just checked it out - an Observatory in NM.
Yeah no connection to the Vatican one I can find. I'm still a little mind blown the Vatican owns a telescope with a Lucifer attachment.
I vaguely remember this being discussed on Voat "Pizzagate" some time ago. It took some work with establishing the excess verbiage to correlate with "Lucifer," don't ya think? Really, they could have called it anything but that
Well it is run by a Jesuit.
Leonardo Finmeccanica is a national-owned big defense company. It has nothing to do with Vatican. Please stop thinking everything in Italy is run by Vatican, because it's NOT.
We in Italy don't give a damn of Vatican, and of that stupid Pope who stole the papacy like Biden is doing to Trump.
I didn't say it was run by the Vatican and questioned that earlier in my post based on the you tube link provided by Simon Parkes who claimed the satellite "Leonardo" was owned by the Vatican. I then researched "Leonardo" and immediately found the aerospace company and believed it to be worthy of mentioning to initiate and then expound on my post about possible Vatican involvement. https://youtu.be/aKl0RFhOewI
Greetings from USA. Many of us are still fans of Matteo Salvini. Is he okay and is he still around? THANK YOU for being here!
Unfortunately, Salvini looks like he throwed the towel. He doesn't speak often, he almost only post food photos on Twitter. Looks scared of something.
Ahhh, well. When we in the USA get into some serious "commie-booty-whoopin'", maybe we can cheer him up just a bit.
I say that because it appears that people all over the world are cheering for our beloved President and his team. I'm thinking we're soon gonna be giving them ALL something even MORE to cheer about. Thank you for being here! Please stick around. We're gonna need you.
Isaac Kappy is an anagram for Sik Papacy.
Does Isaac Kappy have connections to Italy
I don't even think he's a real person.