People need to understand. What is the point of Q... Trump is undoubtedly our leader. That is unquestionable. He is integral to the plan. But the idea is that we the people retake our Republic. This is the end goal. People like The Pillow Merchant are prime examples of real patriots that deserve to have a shot at leading our nation.
I am fucking done with establishment, and you typical politician who went to yale or harvard or what not. Fuck those people. The people who need to facilitate the peoples decisions is the people themselves. We need to reinvent who we elect to represent us. They don't need these bullshit degrees. I am not saying everyone is perfect for the job. But as we can all see the establishment who all go to the same schools and all have the same inner circles do not work for us. It is time to revert back to square one. Constitution or bust. Anyone who is willing to follow this and enforce it are who we need in office.
Our representatives in government should have to go on a annual mandatory two-week outreach program out in "Flyover Country" where they actually have to get their hands dirty in a normal job (or task) alongside the working class. The job must be from the lower income or volunteer-only end. This would be to break their ivory-tower elitist ways, to reconnect them with the masses.
I completely agree. They also need to not be given benefits that encourages them to be career politicians at all cost. There is a good reason a lot of these old deep state fucks haven't been voted out. They haven't been playing fair and we all know that for sure now.
We want people that actually love the places they come from. Not America and freedom haters like these commies.
This is one of the biggest arguments I have with my buddies who have become police officers. 90% of them went out of state or far enough away anyways that they had zero connection with where they were heading and the people they would be policing. This is a problem in many of our institutions. Look at Pelosi's district lol Police officers are supposed to be among the community just like our officials. But now they just treat it as a job to get paid at and they just follow orders down the line just like our corrupt officials.
I didn't know the cops were relocating like that. They should be ineligible to act as police until they've lived in their new community for, say, at least 3 years. Agree that would cut down in them caring more about their pension than their community.
I am 100% sure President Trump will be President for 4 more years....or the tree of liberty will get some much needed watering. They forgot to disarm WE THE PEOPLE before trying to sell us to Communism!
Btw. Bout the giza sheets
Then bought 2 more sets. Very happy with them
I think his Twitter is still up. Says he is losing followers from a Twitter purge.
History is repeating itself with big tech. Anyone remember the railroad wars in our earlier history.
robber barons
a person who has become rich through ruthless and unscrupulous business practices (originally with reference to prominent US businessmen in the late 19th century).
People need to understand. What is the point of Q... Trump is undoubtedly our leader. That is unquestionable. He is integral to the plan. But the idea is that we the people retake our Republic. This is the end goal. People like The Pillow Merchant are prime examples of real patriots that deserve to have a shot at leading our nation.
I am fucking done with establishment, and you typical politician who went to yale or harvard or what not. Fuck those people. The people who need to facilitate the peoples decisions is the people themselves. We need to reinvent who we elect to represent us. They don't need these bullshit degrees. I am not saying everyone is perfect for the job. But as we can all see the establishment who all go to the same schools and all have the same inner circles do not work for us. It is time to revert back to square one. Constitution or bust. Anyone who is willing to follow this and enforce it are who we need in office.
Our representatives in government should have to go on a annual mandatory two-week outreach program out in "Flyover Country" where they actually have to get their hands dirty in a normal job (or task) alongside the working class. The job must be from the lower income or volunteer-only end. This would be to break their ivory-tower elitist ways, to reconnect them with the masses.
I completely agree. They also need to not be given benefits that encourages them to be career politicians at all cost. There is a good reason a lot of these old deep state fucks haven't been voted out. They haven't been playing fair and we all know that for sure now.
We want people that actually love the places they come from. Not America and freedom haters like these commies.
This is one of the biggest arguments I have with my buddies who have become police officers. 90% of them went out of state or far enough away anyways that they had zero connection with where they were heading and the people they would be policing. This is a problem in many of our institutions. Look at Pelosi's district lol Police officers are supposed to be among the community just like our officials. But now they just treat it as a job to get paid at and they just follow orders down the line just like our corrupt officials.
I didn't know the cops were relocating like that. They should be ineligible to act as police until they've lived in their new community for, say, at least 3 years. Agree that would cut down in them caring more about their pension than their community.
I am 100% sure President Trump will be President for 4 more years....or the tree of liberty will get some much needed watering. They forgot to disarm WE THE PEOPLE before trying to sell us to Communism!
They tried. False flag anti gun operations were on a 6 week cycle thru the Hussein years.
Saw this earlier and I'm pretty sure this was taken right after the election, not recently.
Btw. Bout the giza sheets Then bought 2 more sets. Very happy with them
I think his Twitter is still up. Says he is losing followers from a Twitter purge. History is repeating itself with big tech. Anyone remember the railroad wars in our earlier history.
robber barons a person who has become rich through ruthless and unscrupulous business practices (originally with reference to prominent US businessmen in the late 19th century).
I'm buying a pillow - just because this guy is trying to keep me informed.
Get the extra large king ..the best
When was this filmed?
[Relevant tweet.] (
Thanks! Needed that just before I nod off to bed.