posted ago by HannahRebekah ago by HannahRebekah +7 / -0

This is Part 4 of the timeline of the U.S. history that has to do with the service corporations that have ruled us, the bankruptcies overtime, the Federal Reserve and President Trump restoring our Constitutional Republic. There are great nuggets throughout but with all things, use critical thinking. I’m sure there is info that has been left out or unintended erroneous info so leave your contributions, sources and corrections in the comments.


Sept. 24, 2015 However, the makeup of that Congress would have to be re-done because those politicians were elected under US Inc. This municipal corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES, INC. had entered into bankruptcy by its owner, Pope Francis, on 24 Sept. 2015 – a Chapter 7 liquidation that ended on 5 Nov. 2020.  Now, as of May 2015, the UNITED STATES, (INC.) is in Chapter 7 Liquidation and as of this year, 2017, the USA, Inc., is in Chapter 11 Reorganization. The Municipal Corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES, INC., was entered into bankruptcy by its owner, Pope Francis, September 24, 2015. It was a Chapter 7 Liquidation. No ifs, ands, buts, or maybes, no reorganizations. This corporate bankruptcy ended on November 5th of this year(2020). At the start of all this, the Virginia Company doing business as The United States (trading company) took over The Contract and began providing the nineteen enumerated services our states agreed to receive. That company was bankrupted by Lincoln and a competing company doing business as the United States of America (Inc.) took over and operated until 1933 when it was bankrupted and a third version (French) took over and operated as the UNITED STATES (INC.) until 2015, when this "governmental services corporation" was declared insolvent. None of these "governmental services corporations" have a damned thing to do with us or our lawful government really. They are subcontractors providing services, like a lawn maintenance company that you hire to trim your hedges and mow your lawn and rake your leaves. The various "United States Congresses" that have sat as Board of Directors for these corporations and who are supposed to be riding herd on these subcontractors and looking out for your best interests have long ago grabbed the bit in their teeth and operated as self-interested oligarchs instead. Each one of these separate governmental services corporations has its own regulations. The old "United States of America" that operated both in and out of bankruptcy from 1868 to 1999 formulated the entire 50 Titles of Federal Code that everyone still refers to. The UNITED STATES (INC.) repealed all 50 Titles and kept only part of Title 50 as the basis of its operations and that is its only internal law, aside from Washington, DC Municipal Code.

2017 Trump’s inauguration. when Donald Trump first of all got into power… first of all he took down the Vatican and then the Phoenicians, the 13 Bloodline Families… that’s the head of the beast…  2017, the USA, Inc., is in Chapter 11 Reorganization. It is the obvious plan of the perpetrators to pull the same tricks again and make the clueless Americans pay for it all. As preparation, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was incorporated under the municipal (city-state) auspices of the United Nations to take over the lucrative governmental services contracts of the bankrupt UNITED STATES (INC.) and a new territorial entity calling itself "Republic United States" has been formed as a Nevada Corporation.  Still more contenders have been formed off-shore, including a new thing out of Costa Rica calling itself "The United States of America" (Inc.---again.) and The Unity States of America (Inc.) and so on.

Sept. 12, 2018 President Trump signed an Executive Order regarding Foreign Interference in a US Election including “unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.”

October 2020 POTUS started the process of turning the US into a Restored Republic under the original Constitution. 

Oct. 17, 2019 President Trump rolled the Federal Reserve into the US Treasury. This act effectively took back US Taxpayer monies that had been used by the Satan worshipping, child sac|rificing Illuminati Cabal (US Inc, Queen’s City of London and the Vatican) since the end of the Civil War and gave it back to The People.

2020 Mar. 2020 Charlie Ward knew the Pope had been arrested in March ’20 because some of his Security Team were watching him. He knew 650 plane loads of Gold, Cash and Documents were flown out of the Vatican to Fort Knox because all the teams he uses to move money for him, were hired to clear out the Vatican of its stolen treasure.

Apr. 2020 Vatican raided. Took 650 + planes to empty the gold, cash and documents.

Nov 2. The day before the election, President Trump signed an Executive Order that made the Restored Republic official and established NESARA/GESARA, which required a new election be held within 120 days – bringing it to March 2021 – this Ides of March (15th) would be the Fall of the Cabal. NESARA With the Executive Order of November 2, Trump has stepped down as President of US Inc. and now only as Presidential candidate. NESARA launched Nov. 2 and would eventually take us out of Admiral Law and into Common and Constitutional Law – the laws of public consent.  The Owner of US Inc, Pope Francis, filed Bankruptcy in 2015. That Bankruptcy closed 5 Nov. 2020. President Trump's Executive Order of 2 Nov. 2020 established a restored Republic. 

Nov. 3. Election Day. It is overwhelming .. to discover the number of people that have sold their souls, and are actively promoting evil in our schools, organizations, government, etc. It is mind boggling. This is an actual war of Good vs Evil. It is not about politics or the 4 year election. We need to realize and understand - There are no limitations on what the Dark Side will do to WIN NESARA was announced on Nov. 2. Trump stepped down on Nov. 3 and went from president to presidential candidate. Once things are settled, Biden/Harris gone – and with Trump stepping down, the Power House will step in (JF Kennedy Jr.).  3 Jan. 2021 The Corporations of London and United States: The Corp. of London was occupying Britain via Rothschilds UK Corp. [Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales] masquerading as a We the People Government in the same way it’s agents were running Rothschilds UNITED STATES Corp. which has enslaved the American people while occupying America since the late 1860′s. Neither Corp., merely masquerading as if they were the original Governments of Britain or The United States Respectfully have lawful jurisdiction over the actual nations they have long been occupying.