This is Part 5 of the timeline of the U.S. history that has to do with the service corporations that have ruled us, the bankruptcies overtime, the Federal Reserve and President Trump restoring our Constitutional Republic. There are great nuggets throughout but with all things, use critical thinking. I’m sure there is info that has been left out or unintended erroneous info so leave your contributions, sources and corrections in the comments.
Nov. 5. Queen’s City of London and the Vatican went bankrupt. This municipal corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES, INC. had entered into bankruptcy by its owner, Pope Francis, on 24 Sept. 2015 – a Chapter 7 liquidation that ended on 5 Nov. 2020. Since the early 1900s the privately owned US Inc. had collected US taxpayer dollars only to send them to the Queens Bank of London, then over to the Vatican Bank and on to their Central Banks across the world, then charged US citizens interest to use their own monies. Under President Trump that system was now defunct and the US Republic had been restored. “You can't elect a new President for a defunct corporation,” said Anna Von Reitz. “Whoever was elected "President of the United States" on 3 Nov. had nothing to preside over as of 5 Nov.” There are two giant governmental services corporations involved. The UNITED STATES, INC. and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Inc. The UNITED STATES, INC. has been liquidated in involuntary bankruptcy, with the result that there is no longer an office of "President of the United States". They have tried to reboot a new municipal corporation to replace the UNITED STATES, INC. and act as a Successor to the contract established by The Constitution of the United States, but we have declined the option to accept that Successor to Contract. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Inc., is in Chapter 11 Reorganization, and we are their Primary Creditors. We, not the Bankruptcy Trustees, hold the key to their fate. Accordingly, we, their Priority Creditors, have directed the Bankruptcy Trustees to set aside enough of the debt of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to pull it out of bankruptcy and enable Mr. Trump to resume command as the President of the United States of America, obligated to operate under The Constitution of the United States of America. We did this to maintain defensive capability and to provide a familiar service interface for the American People while we sort this Mess out.
Nov. 6 On Friday 6 Nov. Dr. Charlie Ward said, “It wouldn’t surprise me if we had a new presidential election within 120 days.” Ward was referring to requirements of a restored US Republic. After US Inc.’s bankruptcy became official on 5 Nov, the US Republic was restored to principles of the original Constitution.
Nov. 7 The Sat. 7 Nov. announcement by the Lame Stream Media that Biden won the US Presidency was just another lie to the American people – now referred to as “Voter-gate.”
12 Nov. “Every MP in the United Kingdom had been put under arrest by the Common Law Court of Justice and soon President Trump would be returning the US to Constitutional Law”…Charlie Ward:
23 Nov. Mel K and Charlie Ward While Giuliani and Team represented Trump in the Voter Fraud case, Powell would be representing We the People of America and the World. Flynn is the leader in this taking down of the Cabal because he knows everything. None of the Mainstream Media stories have any credibility anymore. National Security Memo 57: JFK’s plan to dismantle the CIA. Trump allowed the governor of Georgia to call his election so he could sign his own death warrant. In 2019 the patents came out for Dominion Voting Machine/Software and were given to the Chinese Communist Party. Everything is gearing up for Trump to drop the Hammer this week or next week. Pelosi was arrested some time ago and taken away. There’s hard evidence that Trump got 80% of the vote, while Biden got 20%. We know that from a Quantum Financial System (QFS) analysis of the votes (done the Sunday after the election by US Troops) and by what they found on the servers (the military took out of CIA offices in Germany and Spain). Wood in an interview said that the American people would be shocked at the amount of pedophilia and how many people in the government worshipped Satan. Trump changed the law so there was an automatic death penalty for those involved in child trafficking and pedophilia.
Nov. 30 As of Nov. 30 we were off the old system. As of Dec. 1 we were totally on the QFS.
Dec 2 This was announced today; 7. POTUS has till Mon 21 Dec. to finish executing the new restored Republic legally and organizationally. He and his teams started the process two months ago. $POTUS was making decisions based on the GESARA / NESARA progress in establishing the restored Republic and ONLY PARTLY based on election-related logistics. POTUS started the process of a Restored Republic two months ago; on Nov. 2 2020 signed in NESARA with an Executive Order and has until Mon 21 Dec. to finish the process. Special Op Forces’ actions would take through the weekend, so we're looking at an approx Tues. 8 Dec. start in order to be done on Tues. 22 Dec. and before Christmas.
Dec 15 We began Ten Days of Darkness on Tues. 15 Dec, would finish Dec. 24 Christmas Eve when the US would receive an announcement of NESARA, with all 209 countries and territories of the world going into GESARA Law on 1 Jan. 2021.
Dec 16 On Wed. night 16 Dec. at around midnight EST a transition was made to the restored Republic.
Dec 21 NESARA/GESARA implementation and the Restored Republic organizationally and legally in place by Mon. 21 Dec. (the POTUS Team’s legal deadline to get it done) and a return to Common or Constitutional Law.
Dec. 22 – 25 there are going to be some Timeline shifts.?
Dec. 23 We began the Ten Days of Darkness on Tues. 15 Dec. Those ten days would finish on 24 Dec. Christmas Eve as the US received an announcement about implementation of NESARA Law and the Global Currency Reset. Judy Note: It was my understanding that implementation of NESARA Law meant that this last fraudulent vote-riddled election for president of US Inc. was null and void and we would need to have a new election of government officials for the restored Republic. Those new electors would be required to function under guidelines of the original Constitution. How that would be set up and function would be explained to the General Public through a new communication system that included President Trump’s Emergency Broadcast System.
Dec 24 Trump fired them all with an Executive Order: All Government Agencies to Permanently Close Dec. 24. 24 Dec. President Trump has signed an Executive Order declaring that all government agencies permanently close by Dec. 24 2020. That means all Cabal US Inc. agencies would cease to function – to be replaced by the Restored Republic. The banks will be closed over the four-day Christmas Holiday so they can adjust to a new financial system. On 24 Dec. Christmas Eve, President Trump was expected to make an announcement of the US return to a gold/asset-backed dollar, plus would implement the NESARA Law according to Charlie Ward, who had direct contact with the Alliance and President Trump. (This has since been moved to a future date)
Dec. 25. “After the Christmas holiday Congress was expected to see over 100 resignations”…Robert David Steele
I thought about it but it’s pretty long which would be a turn off for most. You eat an Elephant one bite at a time made more sense to me.