Taking a brief moment to appreciate voat and all we learned there. Glad we made it.
You're gonna love the way this movie ends.
Taking a brief moment to appreciate voat and all we learned there. Glad we made it.
You're gonna love the way this movie ends.
Voat Aether aether://board/f2c944108971c509c3718a43e8bc77d95d3591746241b6a490e537f00122d98d
Voat Zeronet
You can still look at all old posts on searchvoat.co
SearchVoat.co is not going to shut down in the foreseeable future.
SearchVoat.co already has a complete* backup of Voat's submissions and comments. This data does not generally include up/downvotes.
You can retrieve a copy of a Voat submission, including comments, by replacing voat.co in the submission URL with searchvoat.co. For example, this post is at https://voat.co/v/SearchVoat/4170146 and you can retrieve a backup at https://searchvoat.co/v/SearchVoat/4170146.
You can choose to download results from SearchVoat.co in CSV or JSON format, by selecting those options when you do a search. These downloads include up to 240 posts, but you cannot specify a page number, so narrow your search if you want more than 240 posts at a time. (EDIT: Just noticed that this only works for submissions, not comments. Will add this facility for comments soon.)
I will add a shortcut to the SearchVoat.co front page to one or more Voat post mortem discussion forums TBA. Suggestions please.