Im Simply telling them the truth. My job requires strict truth to my boss. Like it or not u will hear it from me. I told my boss, our HR, our company president and our attorney that Biden will not be president. To mark my words. Told them do not make business decisions based on what they hear on the news. Finally the only thing that got their attention was when I said. "If IM wrong I will resign. Which I will as i wont stay here in this state with Biden as president (no chance in my mind he will be) but I told them I'd stake my position on it and I will. It was the first time I saw shock on their faces and hope on a couple of them. My confidence bolstered the president and HR. Showing them my conviction was pretty powerful. Show conviction to the outcome like the left does, only we do not have to lie about it.
Awesome! This is how good men stand up to fight the evil. There are so many sheep who just follow and dont want to stand out. They need leaders and THEY WILL CHOOSE GOOD if we give them an option to be good.
Im Simply telling them the truth. My job requires strict truth to my boss. Like it or not u will hear it from me. I told my boss, our HR, our company president and our attorney that Biden will not be president. To mark my words. Told them do not make business decisions based on what they hear on the news. Finally the only thing that got their attention was when I said. "If IM wrong I will resign. Which I will as i wont stay here in this state with Biden as president (no chance in my mind he will be) but I told them I'd stake my position on it and I will. It was the first time I saw shock on their faces and hope on a couple of them. My confidence bolstered the president and HR. Showing them my conviction was pretty powerful. Show conviction to the outcome like the left does, only we do not have to lie about it.
Awesome! This is how good men stand up to fight the evil. There are so many sheep who just follow and dont want to stand out. They need leaders and THEY WILL CHOOSE GOOD if we give them an option to be good.
Wow! Thanks for sharing this!
If you dont mind me asking, what are the reasons you still believe (with 2 weeks left) Trump will stay in office for a 2nd term?
I think the president likes to live and see his family live. Also, because he is. Conviction to truth is powerful.