Do some research then...don't come to a Q board saying you're not into Q but then ask for info without doing any research which this board is flooded with..
The poster labeled themselves as Non-Q .
We all know goog won't help Spark out.
Maybe this guy just "woke-up" looking for answers and we just shit on him? ....telling a noob to "Do research" on a subject matter that is known to be Banned and censored and giving them grief for it will not encourage but discourage imho.
Asking questions is an investment...
Be kind.
The lost need tour guides.
Do some research then...don't come to a Q board saying you're not into Q but then ask for info without doing any research which this board is flooded with..
Be kind.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Sometimes encouraging others to actually invest the time to learn for themselves instead of quick handouts is the best kindness you can give.
The poster labeled themselves as Non-Q . We all know goog won't help Spark out. Maybe this guy just "woke-up" looking for answers and we just shit on him? ....telling a noob to "Do research" on a subject matter that is known to be Banned and censored and giving them grief for it will not encourage but discourage imho. Asking questions is an investment... Be kind. The lost need tour guides.
Dark to Light