Which is what makes me think this post is legit, apart fromt hem seeming to have a good handle on what is really happening in their 10 day previous post.
The white hats felt the need to step in and calm things down, without actually giving any info at all about happenings.
Thedonald has been tainted. Same with this site. There is just no way to stop it effectively.
Only thing you can do is not become radicalized and THINK LOGICALLY
Which is what makes me think this post is legit, apart fromt hem seeming to have a good handle on what is really happening in their 10 day previous post.
The white hats felt the need to step in and calm things down, without actually giving any info at all about happenings.
Yeah... no. The post amounted to "don't do anything stupid and blow our op."
D.C. looks like the swamp is preparing for a false flag blamed on patriots