LIn Wood; Just Now / Parler Re: 1776!
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Sound promising. We're on the verge of seeing some big happenings.
Definitely! Worldwide events playing out..
I do think people will be taken into custody fairly simultaneously. Can you imagine all the coordination taking place? It has to be massive.
It will be massive
patience bro
I'm being patient - but also excited. Can't help it.
same bro hahahaha
I'm so sick of watching these smug criminals and their antics. IMO Trump deserves a third term bc his first was so obstructed.
I know Trump's going after them but have no idea how - wish I was a fly on the wall.
300k views in 20 minutes
only the beginning boys
He doesn't usually stay up this late does he?
Very busy man atm id say :)
WTF. Why is this not leading on this forum. Lin Wood said blackouts are coming 9 hours ago. It is time to get cash from your bank. Hope you have plenty of food.
The good guys have a powerful standing military in 1776 v2.0, so less/no need for civilian casualties in the modern era, I pray with you regardless.
Internet is the battlefield
the republic needs a reboot, or what computer geeks call a hard reset
More of a Format/Fresh install of "windows" lol, society has blue screen of death'd
in my mind i picture Pakistan having shitty dollar store extension cords running all over the city