Think about the World Bank and The Fed. Every loan is owed to them through various middlemen. The World Bank is part of the cabal and will be taken down with all of this, and The Fed will be dismantled. There will be no one to pay loans back to. They exist to keep people & countries in a state of debt and servitude. They drive EVERYTHING. NESARA/GESARA is the supposed relief plan forward BUT the actions to take out the Fed & the world bank has to be successful first
GESARA, imagine everyone being debt free and enough money in the pocket to go about with their life's as they see fit. No more famine and hunger in the underdeveloped countries, no more wars.
It isn't a new concern by any means though, you could go back many years and see exactly the same prediction, that fiat money would crash eventually and only gold and silver would be worth anything. However, there might be other things of worth. In any event it would be A great reset, but not exactly what Schwab et al have in mind--somehow I think still being rich is part of their thinking.
Who is going to call collection on this “debt”? Sure, our money is completely meaningless and it’s only as valuable as we make believe that it is... but this doesn’t make any sense.
Except, again if you really think about it, who decides what gold is worth? If a meteor passes by that’s all gold and we capture it, does that crash our markets? Or if we find a massive amount of it somewhere unexpected? This whole idea that things have value is a construct, even when it’s applied to metals.
I’ve never been able to come up with any reason for him or his former partner to lie about any of that stuff. But then again, I don’t understand any of what they are saying either.
So what about the trillions and trillions of dollars that were siphoned off the USA by these people? All the crazy military complex spending for DUMBS\Space weapons etc. That wealth better be clawed back somehow before you declare the USD and USA null and void. Declaring company USA defunct is also the plan of the bad guys so they can keep all their stolen loot and not owe anyone anything (think pensions\public liabilities etc.)
When you think how worthless a dollar is against the world's debt, you know we are already doing business on mutual agreement, not a real basis of intrinsic worth. Now water and land, those things don'tt inflate and real battles are fought over them. China is hogging all the water in their area and looking for more.
Think about the World Bank and The Fed. Every loan is owed to them through various middlemen. The World Bank is part of the cabal and will be taken down with all of this, and The Fed will be dismantled. There will be no one to pay loans back to. They exist to keep people & countries in a state of debt and servitude. They drive EVERYTHING. NESARA/GESARA is the supposed relief plan forward BUT the actions to take out the Fed & the world bank has to be successful first
GESARA, imagine everyone being debt free and enough money in the pocket to go about with their life's as they see fit. No more famine and hunger in the underdeveloped countries, no more wars.
So this would benefit the whole world. Sweet.
Yup. The world is relieved of the cabals financial servitude
National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA)
Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA)
Own Gold and Silver is the best advice.
Exactly, a gold IRA is useless.
But the paper says its gold
This really makes no sense, and I don't think this is how they'll approach it. Seems like a fairly arbitrary scale.
I do believe there will be set conversion from Fed Reserve notes to Treasury issued gold-backed promissory bank notes.
That is, of course, if we actually end up back on the gold standard. Fingers crossed.
That would certainly be a Great Reset to tear down the the fiat money scheme.
It sounds like he's advocating for the great reset. I don't know how I feel about that.
It isn't a new concern by any means though, you could go back many years and see exactly the same prediction, that fiat money would crash eventually and only gold and silver would be worth anything. However, there might be other things of worth. In any event it would be A great reset, but not exactly what Schwab et al have in mind--somehow I think still being rich is part of their thinking.
I for one think he's being a loose-cannon (or a raving lunatic) for a reason. At any point Trump could have told him to clam it.
Reg. the Pence thing, if Pence is really double-agenting it might be some sort of show to make the opposition think that Pence is on their side.
Who is going to call collection on this “debt”? Sure, our money is completely meaningless and it’s only as valuable as we make believe that it is... but this doesn’t make any sense.
Gold destroys the FED. Gold based dollar again.
Except, again if you really think about it, who decides what gold is worth? If a meteor passes by that’s all gold and we capture it, does that crash our markets? Or if we find a massive amount of it somewhere unexpected? This whole idea that things have value is a construct, even when it’s applied to metals.
At least gold is tangible, and worth what people are willing to pay for it.
When does Russell-Jay:Gould show up?
That would be freaking crazy as hell if that dude was right all along. What a timeline!
I’ve never been able to come up with any reason for him or his former partner to lie about any of that stuff. But then again, I don’t understand any of what they are saying either.
Proper time? I hope this isn’t on the typical “just us” schedule.....
So what about the trillions and trillions of dollars that were siphoned off the USA by these people? All the crazy military complex spending for DUMBS\Space weapons etc. That wealth better be clawed back somehow before you declare the USD and USA null and void. Declaring company USA defunct is also the plan of the bad guys so they can keep all their stolen loot and not owe anyone anything (think pensions\public liabilities etc.)
Do I sell my stocks or keep em? What will happen to crypto?
No idea, Patriot. I'm wondering the same. I have almost half a million in a 401k and am wondering what will transpire.
Lin Wood has gone "Over The Rainbow"
Calm down tarzan we still live in a society of mostly well-tempered and respectful people.
We're not just going to suddenly go fucking caveman clubbing everyone.
When you think how worthless a dollar is against the world's debt, you know we are already doing business on mutual agreement, not a real basis of intrinsic worth. Now water and land, those things don'tt inflate and real battles are fought over them. China is hogging all the water in their area and looking for more.
Places like LA and NY will become hell on earth overnight in such a scenario.
You're right, too many "FREAKOUT" people who dive off the deep end the moment their norm gets disturbed.
I just picture Rocco from boondock saints when he's freaking out trying to pack everything to go... That's them with any little thing.
Where I live people know how to govern themselves and not lose their heads when the power goes out.