I wish I could post all the screenshots I have but I think it easier to just tell you what I saw. I encourage everyone to watch these aircraft on their desktop. Link is below. Be sure to click the U icon in the upper part of the screen to isolate aircraft.
I know we are jokingly referred to as plane fags but if I hear another “I am a high ranking official, can only post this once” I’m going to vomit. I like tangible hard proof that things are progressing and I feel like being able to watch military operations happening in the air in real time provides that.
Yesterday was big. To anyone who knows what all of these different aircraft do (I’ve been in commercial aviation for 20 years now) it was a beautifully executed ballet of the skies not just domestically, but internationally. I’d say around 1-2 o’clock things got REALLY busy and they didn’t wind down until I stopped watching around midnight. Of course I’m not able to watch every single bird, but I can tell you patterns I noticed. Many of the callsigns I saw last night were SAM or Special Air Mission. In addition to the small private G-5 military jets, I was astounded at how many C-40s I saw up as a coordinated effort. A C-40 is essentially the military version of your basic Southwest Airlines 737. The majority of the ones I saw (I counted at least 8) either departed or landed at Andrews AFB (home of Air Force One) The planes I witnessed going towards the west coast landed in bases in the Seattle/Whidbey area. Why is this significant? They’re either bringing in active military troops (which seems inefficient to me because they’ve got much bigger options in cargo planes at their disposal) or the number of civilian bad actors they are rounding up is significant and they’re essentially using these to transport them. Mc Guire AFB seems to be playing a significant role in operations as well with many C5s coming in last night from Ramstein AFB in Germany. I witnessed more than one airplane head south from Andrews towards Cuba, turning off the transponder as soon as clearing Key West. Loads of activity in Hawaii and a non stop SAM flight from Anchorage to Andrews. All the while Blackhawks over some major cities,sub hunters patrolling, radar surveillance off the coast, you name it. I’m not military. I don’t have any insider info, but I can tell you what I witnessed last night seemed to be a grab n go style mission that seemed to wrap up almost simultaneously. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for today...
Someone said that the entire USA went dark last night. Is that normal? Someone said it was because pilots go to sleep. It seemed suspect because tons of commercial flights go in and out. Why would the military take a snooze around this time? All military transponders went dark last night. Have you observed this trend at all?
I saw that too, and checked the site OP references. When filtered to just military aircraft, I can confirm that at one point the site showed a single C17 in the air--nothing else. This was about 01:30 est. It was a little spooky.
How often do you check yourself?
Sorry, wrong thread! I check that site when news pops up.