Hear me out and think past the Deep State’s indoctrination. Q has mentioned several times that changes would be made to prevent all this from ever happening again. He mentioned independent auditors. How well did the independent “auditors”/watchers work in preventing/exposing the election counting? In order to prevent evildoers from having monopoly power over us, we need to remove their primary weapon, which is government, and replace it with a true Free Market. Liberty and Freedom.
Government is monopoly power, with unlimited funding via theft/enslavement, that forces socialized monopoly services on us. It’s a lot easier for the evildoers to gain control of a singular monopoly power wield it against us than to gain control of dozens or hundreds of privatized companies providing those same services in a Free Market.
Who here supports socialism, even for courts, security, roads, etc? How’s the horrible quality and lack of accountability in those devices working out for us? What about the Constitution, which either enabled the evildoers to gain monopoly power over us, or was too weak to prevent it?
All services can alternatively be provided by multiple competing private companies in a free market. Competition generates better quality, better prices, more innovation, and accountability.
We’ve proven we can’t keep the Republic. The falsely perceived authority of Government is derived from “the consent of the governed”, but at any given time it is obvious that the majority of us don’t fully consent to it. We need a true free society with a real free market, where everyone votes with their dollars and is their own ruler, and is forced to be responsible individuals if they don’t want to have to live on charity for life.
Aaaand pure free market becomes stifling monopoly. You need some rules to bind the freedom, or else you get anarchy. The constitution didn't fail, WE failed, due to the natural entropy that afflicts civilization.
Just to add on to that, anarchy itself isn't the problem - the problem is that anarchy is unsustainable; it's a power vacuum. Inevitably, the people with the most drive or greatest means will seize power; coincidentally, those people tend to be the ones most hellbent on absolute authority.
It’s not a power vacuum because each individual is their own master, with full control of their own money either to buy their own guns, subscribe to the security firm of their choice, or start a new one.
There’s no monopoly force that is stealing/taxing money from everyone to fund the evildoers, as there is with government. Your fear is that anarchy MIGHT become what we currently have? That’s not a very good argument in favor of what we have.
A free market would not be a utopia, but at least it would be a society that doesn’t embrace a monopoly power that inherently violates our rights in order to exist. Our individual rights are paramount, and government by definition violates those rights, while it indoctrinated its subjects to believe it is protecting them.
What happens if 50% of the population is bought off? Or even 10%? What if that 10-50% decide they want to impose their will upon others?
The current system has not failed us in our socialized departments. That isn't to say they're good, but their failures are not their own problem. The single greatest problem we have currently, I believe, is that our so called "elected" officials likely haven't actually been elected for a long time. There are three major groups to blame for this, but the outcome is that tax money just simply doesn't go to what it is supposed to be allocated for. A road is only as good as its funding. If the Plan works as is said to, we cleanse the corruption with one fell swoop, leaving the people to truly elect their leadership. From there, we will probably see many regions prosper and flourish with golden ages, because the people will once more be in control and will be acting and electing in their own interests. Money will once again go to roads and public services, problems that have been encouraged by the DS will be fought. The simple fact is that the practical cost of many of these programs that we have is astronomically smaller than the money supposedly going to it; this is true in virtually all facets of government, including the military. With the amount of money already lost in corruption, we could feasibly provide the entire population with good medical care, good infrastructure, and other services (to clarify, I am not saying we should, I'm just trying to make a point to emphasize the extent to which money is simply "wasted" [or rather, embezzled out] in the system as it stands right now). Location by location will be able to chose that fate - some may chose to provide those services, whilst others may chose to dramatically cut taxation and allow people to do with their money as they will.
The question then becomes one of maintaining such prosperity. To approach that, one must truly understand how we got here first.
1.) Corruption of the media - How can one hold their public officials accountable for crimes if the media never reports them, or directly covers them up?
2.) Corruption of government - When politicians are capable of making money through sketchy at best means, illicit at worst, there is no reason for them not to, except perhaps ethics. Some argue that the blame lies on our laws that allow corporations to provide politicians financial contributions to their campaigns. Realistically, that would happen regardless of legality, at least as our accountability systems sit currently (and with the media being as it is, compounded).
3.) Centralization of government - when a lawmaker sitting in DC can decide what you have for breakfast in Wyoming, that's a huge problem. Think of Catholics as you will, but the core principle (as per Catechism) of subsidiarity gets things pretty much correct.
4.) Monopolization - Often, our monopolies have been aided in their formation by our government. That said, most of them likely would have formed regardless, because the simple fact of the matter is that more profit can be made without competition. Such a competitionless state can be brought about two very natural ways - collusion, or absolute destruction of the competition. Both have happened, and both will continue to happen under a totally free market system.
5.) Complacency of the people - Pretty self explanatory. If people were always vigilant, principled, and willing to take action on those principles, such as exposing media bias or voter fraud sooner, we would not be in this mess. We cannot fully place blame on the corrupt people for this; doing so would lead to repetition of the exact same problems in the future.
What is the keystone to all of this? The people. If the people acted to verify the claims of the media, vote in the correct politicians, and secure and protect the integrity of the vote, we wouldn't be in this mess. So, how do you keep the population from growing complacent? Populational programming. The Q program has trained all of us to question things we never would have thought to; to look deeper, investigate, and make rational, informed decisions. The establishment attempts to do the opposite; they feed the people the same narrative, programming them into predictable drones that follow and obey them perfectly.
Our system isn't irreparably flawed by any means. We have NOT proven we cannot keep a Republic. If the plan is a success, the MOST important thing of all is that those of us equipped and motivated to should seek to program or train others to possess the same kind of critical thinking and motivation we do. From there, it is our duty to maintain vigilance and skepticism, and to pass these values on to our children. "Si vis pacem, para bellum", and with it, Eternal Vigilance".
Think about what you’re saying. How much harder would it be to buy off 10 to 50% of the population in a Free Market than to buy off 1000 politicians in monopoly government? And even if you did buy off the 10-50%, the rest of society would be structured to legally oppose/compete with it, as opposed to in a government where they’d be seen as traitors, and have to deal with the monopoly police/courts.
In a free market, the corrupt, wasteful middlemen are eliminated, we directly subscribe to the road/security companies just like a Netflix subscription and there’s no politician taking a cut.