Q did mention there would be a SCARE. Possibly it's the 17th.
It has been rolling around in my head that they're trying to make Trump out to be a madman. Also noticed there were mentions from Pelosi maybe that they didn't want him in control of nuclear codes. Then we see the news out of north korea that they see us as a threat or some shit. Just MSM garbage but they seem to be building a narrative. The MSM has tried to hide the news that Trump met with the North Korean President many times. Some other news story always seem to pop up every time Trump went to North Korea to distract attention away from the fact we aren't enemies with North Korea. With the boom boom boom Q messages, it wouldn't surprise me if nukes started flying back and forth on Sunday. But I trust we're in control of that situation.
Trip added.
[C]oordinated effort to misdirect.
Guide to reading the crumbs necessary to cont[I]nue.
Attached gr[A]phic is correct.
Linked graphics are incorrect and false.
Graphic is necessary and vital.
Time stamp(s) and order [is] critical.
Re-review graphic (in full) each day post news release.
Learn to distinguish between relevant/non-relevant news.
Disinformation is real.
Disinformation is necessary.
Ex: US ML NG (1) False SA True
Why was this necessary?
What questions were asked re: SA prior to SA events?
Why is this relevant?
Think mirror.
Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.
What is a map?
Why is a map useful?
What is a legend?
Why is a legend useful?
What is a sequence?
Why is this relevant?
When does a map become a guide?
What is a keystone?
Everything stated is relevant.
Future provides past.
Map provides picture.
Picture provides 40,000ft. v.
40,000ft. v. is classified.
Why is a map useful?
Think direction.
Think full picture.
Who controls the narrative?
Why is this relevant?
What is a spell?
Who is asleep?
Attention on deck.
There is an active war on your mind.
Be [p]repared.
Ope[r]ations underway.
Operators [a]ctive.
Graphic is essential.
Find the ke[y]stone.
Moves and countermoves.
They never thought she would lose.
Snow white.
Godfather III.
Iron Eagle.
What's so interesting? It's a tanker. Lots of them have been flying.
More interesting to me is all the SOF C-130's. Including AC, EC, MC and HC variants.
Just interesting, or ironic in the least.
Right! got it Q = 17. Was focused on the asset.
Q did mention there would be a SCARE. Possibly it's the 17th. It has been rolling around in my head that they're trying to make Trump out to be a madman. Also noticed there were mentions from Pelosi maybe that they didn't want him in control of nuclear codes. Then we see the news out of north korea that they see us as a threat or some shit. Just MSM garbage but they seem to be building a narrative. The MSM has tried to hide the news that Trump met with the North Korean President many times. Some other news story always seem to pop up every time Trump went to North Korea to distract attention away from the fact we aren't enemies with North Korea. With the boom boom boom Q messages, it wouldn't surprise me if nukes started flying back and forth on Sunday. But I trust we're in control of that situation.
Q Post 0128 https://qposts.online/post/128