posted ago by LockedandLoaded ago by LockedandLoaded +45 / -0

If everything that Q and “The Great Awakening” is/has been about is true, hell even if it’s just “mostly true” and the Pizzagate stuff is bullshit, and this is a military op at the level that Q has claimed, do you think anybody involved in it would be saying ANYTHING right now? When everything is coming down to the final days and the rubber is meeting the road with “The Plan”?

Hell no.

If Trump is working with the Military to overthrow our entirely corrupt government AT EVERY LEVEL the last thing they would be worried about is pacifying citizens who are wondering what they are up to. If they make one wrong move, it could jeopardize the entire Plan.

If it’s going down, realize that it’s no longer some distant conspiracy. It’s not a game and it’s no longer wishful thinking. If what this site is hoping is going on, is ACTUALLY going on right now, why is anyone expecting to hear a word at all from anybody with Trump?

The biggest military operation in the history of the world could be occurring as I’m typing this out and people are whining because the citizens aren’t in the loop?

Seriously? We obviously had no idea about the Bin Laden raid (whether he’s dead or not they presented it as a real op that took years to plan) and that was to take down one dude on the run in the mountains. The citizens didn’t hear a word until it was over. Not even a whiff that they even had leads as to his location at the compound. Why? Because one small slip of the tongue and some Al-Queda cell could have gotten info back to Bin Laden and he could have vanished for good.

“The Plan”, to take down an Elite Cabal Deep State in the United States and possibly all around the world that has been working its tentacles into every dark corner of the world, from government to religious institutions, for almost 100 years, probably took 10+ years to plan. If you believe the military asked Trump to run in 2012, who knows how many years the military was planning before they were even ready to say “okay, now it’s time to pick the man to lead us and execute this plan”.

“The Plan” probably took 15-20 years build and layout, and if we are truly at the end of it and truly at the endgame, we should be encouraged that we are hearing NOTHING from anyone. Not Trump Jr. not Flynn, not the Trump family, NOBODY. Especially not any of the people we have assumed may be involved, including Powell and Wood. The more quiet everyone is, the better. If they had killed or otherwise incapacitated Trump and Co. there is NO WAY that they would keep that 100% under wraps, not to mention the frantic attempt to impeach Trump with 8 days left. Trump hasn’t been truly seen or heard from since 1/6 (Q said that this would happen. Trump would be well insulated and silent until possible EBS. But that doesn’t even mean the EBS will be used. A plan like this would have so many moving parts and contingencies)

IMO the fact that nobody has any real idea wtf is going on, everyone we’ve looked to has been censored, Trump is making NO attempt to communicate with Americans, and military/“National Gaurd” units are flooding DC, all the while the Left is in panic mode and shoving the most systematic attempt to silence us all down our throats in 48hrs (which they did at the expense of waking possibly millions more up to what they are planning), Pelosi and the Swamp are scrambling to do whatever they can to remover Trump with only 8 days to go... like come on. If we have come this far and believed in this absolutely INSANE plan the whole way, why is anybody suddenly doubting things when it’s the Final Hour? And tbh, I’m not a Q guy, and “Trust The Plan” was starting to sound like utter bullshit. Until two days ago I said, fuck it. I’m going to believe, with everything in me, that the Good guys are winning d will finish this damn thing. Idgaf if that means I have to believe in the most RIDICULOUS rumors. I HAVE to believe in them because otherwise, it’s a very dark reality. I can cross that bridge in 8 days if nothing happens. We all can. But for now, LETS FINISH FUCKING STRONG AND BELIEVE IN THIS GOD DAMN THING UNTIL WE SEE BIDEN TAKING THAT OATH.

Pelosi literally tried to attempt her own Coup by trying to get the nuclear codes from within Trump’s reach? Does that sound like someone who is 8 days away from being able to enrich herself of our tax dollars without any fear of being caught for the rest of her career? I’ve even heard the UN offered her 250k UN troops ( big if, but wouldn’t the UN be 100% in support of doing whatever is necessary to stop Trump? The UN HATES America)

We are at the very end of the road and in the final step of “The Plan”. The silence from EVERYONE is a great sign, IMO. They are possibly in a war room somewhere giving birth to a New America and a new age in the world and we expect them to throw us a bone so we stop doubting?

Gtfo. I want every day until 1/20 to be increasingly silent and confusing, like they have been since 1/6. Each day that goes by where things remain entirely unclear, when normally this would be a time where the Left and MSM would be in full celebration and gloat mode because they are about to seize full control, knowing that they can stay in power indefinitely and be free to enact every goal from the Green New Deal to Agenda 2030. Yet, instead of celebrating the end of Trump, a man they attacked and insulted every chance they could and tried to make him out to be a loser 24/7 for 5 years straight, the Left is running around acting like if they don’t remove him ASAP they are going to be killed or spend the rest of their lives in jail.....wait...

Exactly. Do you guys get it now? Calm down. If what we have all believed and hoped for is true, then everything happening right now further validates everything we’ve been told and should encourage us and hype us to the highest level we’ve ever been since October 2017.

This is gonna go 1 of 2 ways, but the panic from Pelosi, the continued effort to smear Trump, censor all of us as if they don’t have the next 4 years to do that, and frantic attempts to remove Trump via impeachment or the 25A, tell me that it’s going OUR way. Nothing can stop what’s coming? Does Pelosi look like someone trying desperately to stop an unstoppable force heading for each and every last one of these corrupt and evil swamp rats? Yes. I hear she wasn’t even at work today.

Lastly, Vatican blackouts? Pakistan? You think those just coincidentally happened in the Final Hour and just a day or so after we learned about Italy/The Vatican working together to aid in the election theft? Come on! Fuck anyone who says that remaining strong in belief and trust of The Plan is crazy and that we should come back and prepare for reality. We have plenty of time to live in the gloomy, dark world that the Left has planned for us if this all turns out to be bullshit and Trump has no moves Left. But until 1/20, and if the corruption is truly so total, so treasonous and complete as it appears to be, Trump has far more than the IA card left to play. If we are truly up against what it looks like we are up against, including CCP involvement and infiltration of the Democrats, the Trump and the Military have an oathbound duty to carry out The Plan no matter what. Hell, even if there was no plan, Trump and the Military would have an oathbound duty to come up with a fucking plan and stop this. No matter the optics, or public perception. As POTUS, he took an oath to defend the country against enemies both FORIEGN AND DOMESTIC. From what I can tell, we are literally in a war with the CCP and as a result, there are FOREIGN and DOMESTIC enemies (CCP controlling the Dems and Biden) on our soil right now and they are days away from taking complete power in our country, possibly forever. You may think that Trump doesn’t have the military support, but if the CCP was waging a proxy war with us and possibly days away from the fraudulent installation of compromised Americans, that are now CCP Assets, into the highest office in the land then Trump has full military support. It’s never been just about Trump, and if the Military or anyone in it were to disobey orders meant to stop this CCP takeover, they would be every bit as treasonous as the members of Congress of certified and counted the elector college votes.

8 days left. We will know one way or another. With each day that passes where nothing becomes clear and instead only becomes increasingly unclear, the more confident I am.

TL:DR - If the corruption is what it appears to be and if the CCP has infiltrated the Dems and control Biden, via monetary influence or otherwise, Trump and the Military have an oathbound duty to carry out The Plan to its successful completion and overthrown and dismantle the government and CCP takeover by Proxy via the Dems, or Trump and the Military have an oathbound duty to come up with a plan and stop it NO MATTER WHAT. Optics, allegiances, and public perception be damned.