posted ago by theoriginalwhy ago by theoriginalwhy +96 / -0

The longer he wait before he "re-appears" in media, the more people will tune in to listen. Some because they're worried about Trump, some because they're worried about the plan, some because they want to savour any possible humiliation of Trump in lights of the recent impeachment plans and talk about the 25th amendment. People have been spoon-fed trump for four years and now they get practically nothing.

Pompeo's live speech yesterday was filled with tens of thousands (IIRC it topped out at 130.000 viewers, but I can't find stats for yesterdays stream) of people likely hoping to catch any info about Trump and there's literally over 9000 people tuning in to the planned Trump stream that's on in 8 hours (!). People are starving for information.

It feels like the narrative is being turned around from "Ignore the noise" to "It's eerily quiet, something is wrong".