posted ago by OPBRA17 ago by OPBRA17 +9 / -0

Long time Q follower, first time posting. Markers? We had the watch marker of 1:29 that Q proofed to Durham. QPost 3689. In that post we have FISA=Start. So the Watch was a starting marker. We have the watch marker from post 3457 which shoes the 19th at 4:49pm, which has never been proofed. Could it be Jan 19 4:49pm we are to except something big to happen. If we add 12 hour rule we get post 1649 from 4:49pm. We get Dogs, Dogs and more Dogs. LOL Post 1649 - Think SC vote to confirm (coming). No Name action. Every dog has it’s day. Enjoy the show. Q. Could the second watch marker equal the “End”? This may be a date to remember.