9 Is Q still on the table? posted 4 years ago by SpaceForceMAGA 4 years ago by SpaceForceMAGA +9 / -0 Now that we have Trump on camera saying Biden admin? 13 comments share 13 comments share save hide report block hide replies
You’re on a Q sub...what do you think? Jeez. Too many snowflakes flying around today.
Is your faith so weak?
You nailed it fren FAITH! Transcends All else. Blind -like the scales of Justice- -or not.
No matter How many thumbs are pressing on it. (And there are Many)
You can't imagine How your first sentence was important to hear to me.
The Great Awakening
?? brotha
We already know to read between the lines. It's a war based off misinformation and deception. "Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak." - Sun Tzu
Hes gotta play the Flimsey Grahm at the moment so the optics shows how off the rails they are...
Lol they still think it’s about taking Trump down
And they call Q followers cultists...
Meanwhile Trump's every word is treated as gospel over at TDW. And we're supposed to be the cultists???
He said it to keep them off guard....let's wait until the 20th THEN we will see. Trump never quits
He's not on the table. He's under your bed. BOO!