posted ago by MAGABOSS13 ago by MAGABOSS13 +439 / -0

If you believe in Q then you know the plan is biblical. Biblical means miraculous, from the heavens, seemingly impossible! That’s how it feels now doesn’t it? Who cares if Trump said “Biden Administration” when you know how this will unfold. If Trump truly has been defeated and given up, why is the swamp projecting the impending doom they will soon be coming to terms with?

The last week all we’ve heard from them is insurrection, Trump is planning a rebellious coup, impeachment and 25th amendment etc. We are witnessing some strange things go down, things we wouldn’t see if the swamp was actually winning. From Pompeo’s proof (which gave me goosebumps to finally see one unfold), to Pelosi and BO nowhere to be found, the extreme censorship, even Trump acting cautious with what he says, this ALL looks like a script from a movie.

And until the movie ends on the 20th, hold down the damn line! At the end of the day, no matter what is being said, I feel an energy of major things going down that none of us know. And I bet many of you also are feeling that energy as well. Dooming is too easy, it’s what the swamp wants. 75 million confident and faithful pedes is what they’re afraid of.