posted ago by TrappinAtSubway ago by TrappinAtSubway +35 / -1


One thing I thought was interesting about the Trump speeches in Texas is that the MSM did not showcase the impromptu speech at about 9:30AM this morning. Only the one at the boarder wall and I think that's significant. I did a basic search on YouTube and his morning speech is nowhere in the top results and the only MSM outlet I could find after digging that hosted it was The Independent and Tampa Bay 10 of course. You will likely find some other local ones, but point is, the big guys aren't really focusing on that one. Hmmm wonder why? Correct me if I'm wrong on this!

Trump's morning speech is also the one where he mentions "counter moves" and warns big tech about their censoring and how it's going to end in catastrophe for them. I believe that message was for us and I think the swamp knows it too. That's why I believe they're trying to avoid showcasing this one and again they weren't even notified about it for a reason.

Trump's later speech at the border wall was for the normies I believe. Make it seem like nothings up and allude to a Biden administration transition. I do not believe this is going to happen. Look at what Trump is doing with these recent EO's from Nov until now. Look at all these officials resigning and Trump replacing them with his people. Senate even discussed it and condemned it during the hearing today and were concerned about it saying he's replacing people with Trump loyalists and not people who are qualified for the job. HA, yeah not qualified to do deep state shenanigans lol!

Pay attention to actions because those always speak louder than words! This is an information warfare which means it is also a psychological war on many fronts! You're going to see or hear stuff that might hit you in the feels or discourage you, but that just comes with this kind of territory! Keep your wits about you and know that we will win!

Lemme know your thoughts!

Godspede guys! :D