Covfefe is an antediluvian term meaning “in the end, we win”, and that meaning makes perfect sense in the context of his full tweet.
Also, even if that bill passed, it’s not Twitter that would be required to preserve it. It would be the government’s job to archive/preserve them. Expecting Twitter to archive then forever is as ridiculous as Trump writing on a chalkboard in a classroom and expecting the school to never erase that board.
Sad to see 99% of the comments here all like “Bingo! Genius! Ooh Ahh!” over an incorrect post.
Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically For Engagement Act of 2017
How many of us are thinking "why didn't we think of that before?"
I am.
Covfefe is an antediluvian term meaning “in the end, we win”, and that meaning makes perfect sense in the context of his full tweet.
Also, even if that bill passed, it’s not Twitter that would be required to preserve it. It would be the government’s job to archive/preserve them. Expecting Twitter to archive then forever is as ridiculous as Trump writing on a chalkboard in a classroom and expecting the school to never erase that board.
Sad to see 99% of the comments here all like “Bingo! Genius! Ooh Ahh!” over an incorrect post.
Heard that gab has all of Trumps tweets
Antediluvian is one of the best.dollar words around. Up there with defenestrate.
Did Covfefe ever make it into a q drop?