For example: Biden gets sworn in. Then, prior to Biden dismissing the the Trump cabinet, the Trump cabinet uses the 25th amendment to relieve Biden, Harris, and other members of Congress of their duties for high crimes and misdemeanors (treason, election fraud, crimes against humanity, etc.).
For Trump's statement, see 1:56 of
My thought was that the simple act of trying to use the 25th amendment to remove POTUS is in itself insurrection.
I think he meant them trying to fraudulently using the 25th remove a sitting president is treason and will bit them in the ass when the arrests start.
Your theory has two fatal flaws. First, it requires the Vice President to be involved. The Vice President in this scenario would be Harris. Unless you are claiming that Kamala Harris is a White Hat... Second, the 25th Amendment only deals with vacancies in the Offices of the President and Vice President. Members of Congress cannot be removed through the 25th Amendment.
I'm not sure about Biden's cabinet picks, but I can see Kamala stabbing him in the back on day one.
Maybe Trump was daring them to do it.
I think the inauguration will have Biden being unmasked as a fake.
If they have even an hour of time in power it could be irreparable
Yea.... But that version of events doesn't put Trump in the driver's seat...
Didn't realize we had a GA police for what can or cant be said