posted ago by esoteri ago by esoteri +83 / -0

Q could easily make a post and put all fears to rest. Trump could have tipped his hand instead of playing it close to the chest.

They want everyone to ride this rollercoaster so that we are invested and paying attention. THE WORLD IS WATCHING. When hope is all but lost, victory will be delivered, like in all of the best movies - Think: Gandalf the White appearing at the last second.This experience will bring mankind into an age of unity like never before seen.

The elites have played for themselves and their interests for far too long, causing mankind to lose time and time again. Our freedom, our security, our autonomy. Q is going to allow us to feel what it means to WIN. This will be a massive balancing of the scales of karma.

The swamp will be drained. Promises made, promises kept.