I watched the interview with Steve Pieczenik and Alex Jones yesterday and I was sorta flabbergasted by what I heard. Now before you tune out because I mentioned Alex Jones...you need to watch this...I don't usually watch Jones. Steve was very argumentative vs Jones especially after Steve revealed to Jones that he was specifically chosen as an avenue of influence/information propagation to enact the efforts going on right now that we are about to witness. This seemed to offend Jones. Steve also mentions a "Leonardo satellite" used to change votes. They really go at each other throughout the interview. Clearly Jones wants to distance himself from Steve or he may even feel like he is being setup in a trap with regards to admitting to funding/organizing "the coup" if he feels Steve is a real spook.
Jones mentions 2 possible faults in Pieczenik's credibility (even though he also admits that 99% of the information from Steve has been correct throughout the past 19 years)...he essentially mentions the supposed "UV secret ink ballot tracking" theory never came true and the fact that Steve says The Pope was arrested last year. I could believe the UV secret ink theory because it wouldn't be revealed until the final days, but I found it hard to believe that the Pope was arrested last year. But then Steve mentioned that if he's right then Italy will be on the verge of collapse within 24 hours...and now we see that occurring. (EDIT: Article was posted before the interview so his prediction isnt too much of a prediction actually).
So what do you think is happening with regards to the Pope or with Italy in general minus the Pope talk?
Counter Intelligence / Counter Insurgency disclaimer:
4:10 "We are now officially in a military coup."
5:15 "We are literally in a military coup."
6:38 (after a $ audiobook plug $): "Number two, and this is important for you Alex to understand, and all of the listeners... You were the the method through which we were able to implement the coup."
7:01 "The truth is you were the vehicle through which I was promoting the necessary actions that had to be accomplished; think of that for a moment, you were the first entity as a banned video you identified 19 years ago when you came forth and I associated with you on 9/11."
Why are the majority of 'Q' attacks by "PRO_MAGA" supporters coming from AJ [MOS backed] and/or AJ known associates?
"I love shills now at this point. Even when this is over some Mossad/Clown asshole will still be typing useless division tactics out of his frayed handbook on to an empty board. Some people just don't know when they have lost…"
Yes it seems that they are both disinformation agents...maybe on different sides or working together (or being used together unknowingly), hard to tell. Alex is clearly privy to being lumped into something he doesn't want to be associated with and Steve is quick to tell Alex "how things are" and even tells Alex that "No, you haven't seen the Pope last year" (what your eyes see is wrong). The whole thing screams psyop, especially how Steve mentions "the coup" when that is not what it is...a coup would be if Biden and the DS took over once and for all. I agree that I think they are framing a future event, maybe something on the 17th I have no idea. And regardless of Alex or Steve, something is clearly going on worldwide besides "the Covid".
Sauce on AJ being Mousad...
Not defending him, but I see that thrown around alot, but is not proven definitively that he has any connection to MOS backing either.
When you say definitiivly things like this that are not proven, you actually discredit the point your tying to make.
Mossad-Backed =/= Mossad. AJ = Paid Actor. Not super-spy.
Do you think Q is bullshit? Then I don’t need to bother explaining the point and purpose.
Do you trust the plan? Then re-read drops regarding AJ, Corsi, etc.
Do you think Q is bullshit? NO Do you trust the plan? YES Corsi 2091 / 2104 / 2500 AJ ???? No Drops Jones 1341 (Big Week ahead time to move on) Link to AJ's attorney claims AJ to be performance artist) Infowars 2102 Control and Divid (Mueller) (Who Controls FreeSpeachSys ?) Why do Affiliates Attack Q?
Mossad - No reference in search of AJ.
I want to find it and see it. Please lead me to the Drop where you say.
Mossad-Backed =/= Mossad. AJ
All relating to AJ:
Regarding Corsi (AJ Associate; Mossad):
Need me to direct quote?
Search w/ (hashtag hashtag number)