The triggering event for all of this was January 11, 2021, which is the day that the SC refused to expedite Trump's case (that meant no court action before the inauguration date, so no judicial redress - failure of the civilian system). SCOTUS set responses from PA due the day after inauguration. The waiver is to allow a separate attorney for some of the people in Luzerne County. I have a JD so understand most of the legal stuff.
Luzerne County board of elections is a hot mess. The director resigned recently
The triggering event for all of this was January 11, 2021, which is the day that the SC refused to expedite Trump's case (that meant no court action before the inauguration date, so no judicial redress - failure of the civilian system). SCOTUS set responses from PA due the day after inauguration. The waiver is to allow a separate attorney for some of the people in Luzerne County. I have a JD so understand most of the legal stuff.