Actually he found out he has cancer you ignorant creap. Tober had been having pains in his rectum for several years and avoided going to the doctor as he was a timid man and was deathly scared of doctors. He was a good man, a kind man and just because he was a democrat supporter you come here and bash the man. Hell he was responsible for thousands and thousands of fine immigrant people making a better life for themselves. In fact he personally paid for the land at several mosks in america.
Please be respectful when you post. The man went through hell when muhamed perforated his colon and left him with painful scar tissue that turned to cancer. The fact is the man loved anal sex and the thought of losing this and having to settle for sex in his stoma pushed the poor man over the edge. May god have mercy on your soul.
Actually he found out he has cancer you ignorant creap. Tober had been having pains in his rectum for several years and avoided going to the doctor as he was a timid man and was deathly scared of doctors. He was a good man, a kind man and just because he was a democrat supporter you come here and bash the man. Hell he was responsible for thousands and thousands of fine immigrant people making a better life for themselves. In fact he personally paid for the land at several mosks in america.
Please be respectful when you post. The man went through hell when muhamed perforated his colon and left him with painful scar tissue that turned to cancer. The fact is the man loved anal sex and the thought of losing this and having to settle for sex in his stoma pushed the poor man over the edge. May god have mercy on your soul.