posted ago by Obelus ago by Obelus +10 / -1

My sister is convinced that Trump and the Q movement is an elaborate psy-op designed to corral christians and patriots into a controlled opposition-led movement and lead us to the slaughter. She thinks I've been duped into supporting the anti-Christ essentially. I've been slowly red-pilling her here and there but the one thing I'm struggling with is the Kushner question.

She's been watching christian truther videos who are convinced Kushner is working for the elites to help set up the anti-Christ. For example, the fact that Kushner owns a building in New York located at 666 Fifth avenue. The logic of all this being that if Kushner is deep state then him marrying into Trump's family is proof that they are compromised as well. And to be honest, I just don't know what to make of the guy.

Can anyone help me out here?