Pay more attention to this than the chans. This was posted on twitter, and then blown up. Then someone on here made the transcription. 4 chan grabbed it from here and pretended it was a fucking satellite. Ignore them please, and pay attention here to avoid getting played again.
you have to be joking
2km focus grab supposedly
just repeating what I saw on 4chan
I have a 12 megapixel spy satellite on my phone?
Pay more attention to this than the chans. This was posted on twitter, and then blown up. Then someone on here made the transcription. 4 chan grabbed it from here and pretended it was a fucking satellite. Ignore them please, and pay attention here to avoid getting played again.
That was me. I'm an idiot.
Don't put that on 4chan.
I thought it was a straight down blowup.
No spy satellite, that’s just a blown up crop of a pic where he’s walking in to the meeting.
ok, misunderstood.
I have another pic of the guy.