The highlighted words : AMERICA GOOD WORLD Run the Gematria on that gives you the words 'two nineteen' Q219 is rather interesting
Q219_27-1_yes_USA94-2 _27-1_yes_USA58-A _27-1_yes_USA04 _Conf_BECZ_y056-(3)_y The_Castle_Runs_RED_yes Godspeed. Q
The highlighted words : AMERICA GOOD WORLD Run the Gematria on that gives you the words 'two nineteen' Q219 is rather interesting
Q219_27-1_yes_USA94-2 _27-1_yes_USA58-A _27-1_yes_USA04 _Conf_BECZ_y056-(3)_y The_Castle_Runs_RED_yes Godspeed. Q
Probably military. The Castle runs RED was what caught my eye.