Could be a fake account. Could be her trolling. Could be that she's not in the loop. She mentioned people lying about his legal options. This seems strange given that we know the courts are all corrupt. What "legal" option would still be available at this point? Something smells fishy....
It's a fake. Telegram has lots of fakes with tens of thousands of users.
Could be a fake account. Could be her trolling. Could be that she's not in the loop. She mentioned people lying about his legal options. This seems strange given that we know the courts are all corrupt. What "legal" option would still be available at this point? Something smells fishy....
Ok... so if trump didn’t call the military in, who did?
"In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies." - Churchill
At this point, the dis-info on both sides is becoming so great it's impossible to determine what happens, until it has already happened.
Do not trust any of the new platforms they are unverifiable.
I heard it was a fake account
Why is it so important for them to have me demoralized before my eyes tell me what’s really real? What purpose does this serve them. I’m a nobody
This doesn't really match her general style on twitter, where she at most would post like a short sentence and otherwise 20 hashtags